Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Running out of steam....

Our politicians these days have started living in a world of disconnect. Sample the latest two issues which are grabbing headlines while one very important one is being sidelined.
  • Who will be our next president
  • USS Nimitz docks in Chennai

A lot of hue and cry about both the issues, I am a fan of current incumbent president and so are most people in the country due to the image he has created - "People's President", reminds me of Princess Diana who wanted to be "People's Princess" anyways getting to the point, one politician said that SMS campaigns cannot decide who can be the next president, here Mr. Kalam had an overwhelming support base compared to Ms.Patil. Alas, we are voting on SMS for the Taj as a world historical monument....why not the president. But then, surely detractors will say that is not how a democracy is supposed to work. Today it is working at the wimps and fancies of our netas and babus.

As for the Nimitz, well its docking at Chennai am sure will not leak any nuclear wastage, as much as our babus turning a blind eye to factories pumping toxic waste into the Bay of Bengal.

I hope our politicians do work better on what they are saying cause the people are today no longer the ignorant masses. They are aware, and if they miss something, they might catch up on the 10s of news channels present.

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