Sunday, January 28, 2007

POP goes Patriotism..and Britney

Initiatives are a nice thing! Especially when a major english daily takes it up, even better. When was the last time you or I have said out loudly "Jai Hind" or for the conventional IBCD "I love my India" ....hmmm a lot of cobwebs in the mind. Anyway zooming back, the paper initiated a PDA(Public Display of Affection) of sorts for your country....let's just show the world we too are proud to be Indians. With every morning paper dropped on 26th January, India's Republic Day, we got a tattoo tag pinned, coaxing the reader to apply it on his face/arm or any visible part of the body. It is an admirable effort and hats off to whoever came up with this bright idea. At least for one day we were showing off skin for the right reason ;)!

But before you assume that this is a paid for article, we have an interesting article on a supposed trend "Short term relationships as a fad"and who is leading the pack?? No points for guessing the new bad girl in USA Britney Spears. I mean yeah, she is through with K-Fed and is getting a lot of stirring up, but hey how does it affect us indians? And who said we worship britney? Isn't she old hat? Come on , live it up, we love our bollywood movies and all, and abide by them, if aKareena or say any other bollywood star worth her money goes for such thing then perhaps we could say that is a fad! Right now it is so not happening? Correct me if I am wrong!!

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