Wednesday, February 14, 2007

126 planes...lot of drool

I was at the Aero India Show recently, and had a whale of a time there. It is rare to find so much high tech stuff thrown around you. So everyone was talking 16,18,30mki, these are not numbers these are the fighters that are present there...F-16,F-18,Sukhoi 30s and Mig 35! Most of the planes were impressive, and clearly Mig 35 was the crowd favourite.

During the stall visits i happened to chat up with one of the Marketing Executives of Lokheed Martin, just to get a feel of their take....and man was i dissapointed! Their perception of the comman Indian was filled with utmost cockiness about themselves. Yes, you are putting your F-16s on display but then did you not sell the same to Pakistan...who is a rogue state? And why would India want to take a risk of buying from US when if something wrong happens(god forbid) you will not supply it on which he replied the relation is between companies? My friend F-16s were and are stalled to pakistan due to govenment delibrations!!

What I strongly believe that whenever India asks for the big order...we should rely more on the russians who have maintained a stedy relation...come what may...and yes...Gripen from the sweds is also a good option!! That is my take...a lot more happens in let's all see how the biggest order in defence history of India Materialises!!

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